PS Book Series
"Touching Feeling: Affects, Pedagogy, Performativity" by Eve K. Sedgwick
Leticia Robles-Moreno (Ph.D. '17) shares her thoughts on the text.
Read More."The Reality Shows" by Karen Finley
Cassidy Hollinger (M.A. '14) shares her thoughts on the text.
Read More."The Enchantment of Modern Life" by Jane Bennett
Chloe Edmonson (M.A. '12) shares her thoughts on the text.
Read More."The Powers of Horror: An Essay on Abjection" by Julia Kristeva
Brandon Masterman (Ph.D. Candidate) shares his thoughts on the text.
Read More."Discipline and Punish" by Michel Foucault
Associate Professor Karen Shimakawa shares her thoughts on the text.
Read More.