Pauline Mornet
Pauline Mornet writes on and experiments with the creation of temporary spaces, through theatre, performance and raves. She is interested in embodied practice and performative writing as research methods for precarious communities. Originally from France, Pauline has spent equal parts of her life bumbling between Hong Kong, Europe and Australia and cannot dissociate these migratory pathways from her work. She studied Political Humanities at Sciences Po Paris before attending the MA in Performance Studies.
Title of Project
Description of Project
How do you host a rave in a bamboo city facing epistemicide? How does this illicit embodied archive resist and remember? Through what I have coined the 'chaise longue' method, I will host seated and silent raves throughout NYC as a way of reflecting on what it means to be here and not there, and the implications of being a ‘host’ in a temporary autonomous zone.
Areas of Academic Interest
Temporary spaces, autonomous zones, migration, loops