Emily Bacal
Emily is a gemini. She likes to read, and sometimes to write and to sing. She likes talking to her friends about most things, and spending time with loved ones.
Title of Project
Getting Sweaty with Post-Irony
Description of Project
This project explores the ways emergent phenomena in internet discourse and humor expand possible modes of relating to media objects. Specifically tracking post-irony, Emily reflects on absurdity, sincerity, and Twilight, employing a revised version of symbolic logic to break down what happens to true/false, belief/nonbelief and good/bad binaries when we approach objects through layers of irony.
Project Inspiration
TikTok, Twilight, conversations with friends which involve recourse to and performance of memes.
Areas of Academic Interest
Media Studies, Feminist Epistemology, Digital Humanities, Aesthetics, Jane Austen, Existentialism, Philosophy of Art, Gender Studies, Queer Theory