CSGS Website Launch Party For Otherwise: Queer Scholarship Into Song
Join CSGS and performers Kay Turner, Viva DeConcini, and Mary Feaster as we celebrate this homecoming–or homo-coming–of the Otherwise project. Otherwise transforms “academic” studies of queer life, history, and world-making into hummable song. This musical cabaret of queer theory was staged to sell-out crowds at Dixon Place (in 2013) and at Joe’s Pub (in 2016). The latter event was produced by CSGS. CSGS is proud to be hosting the video documentation of this project on its website. This “virtual” Otherwise features videos of the all the songs performed at the 2013 and 2016 stagings. Get a sneak preview of the videos before they go world-wide-web, hear from impressaria Kay Turner about the conception of the project, and enjoy the company of some of the other artists and authors behind Otherwise.
Center for the Study of Gender & Sexuality
285 Mercer Street, 4th Floor
Co-sponsored by the NYU Center for the Study of Gender & Sexuality and the Department of Performance Studies.