Beth Stinson

PH.D. '16, M.A. '08

Beth Stinson

Beth Stinson is a scholar, writer, and artist whose research and teaching focuses on social aesthetic practices, feminist pedagogies & writing, feminist theory & critical race/ethnic studies, sexuality & space, art & literature of west and central Africa, and postcoloniality in relation to development policies. Dr. Stinson is currently working on her first manuscript, Recursive Feminisms: The Self-Organizing System of Ladyfest. She has published her work in Women & Performance and for an anthology on Race, Oppression, and the Zombie. She also holds an MFA from UC Irvine and presently teaches at Barnard College, NYU, and Metropolitan College of New York.


New York University

PhD - Performance Studies

New York, New York


New York University

Master of Arts - Performance Studies

New York, New York


University of California, Irvine

Master of Fine Arts - Drama/Acting

Irvine, California


California State University, Los Angeles

Bachelor of Arts - Theater Arts

Los Angeles, California