Shahra Preza
MA Arts Politics Class of 2017
Political Science & Public Administration, Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico City
Shahrazad Preza´s professional background and studies gives her the capability to undertake a proactive role in projects in the areas of research, design and management. She is a creative person with a deductive reasoning, which allows her to provide solutions of the highest quality, to the challenges presented. While involved in andy project, she seeks to hold an active role in projects, whilst empowering and offering support to other members of the groups I work with.
She studied a Diploma in Art and Design - Foundation Studies at the Arts University of Bournemouth, and her degree in Political Science and Public Administration in Mexico City. Her main projects and responsibilities in the last 3 year have been: overseeing the project for design of the graphic identity of the Federal Economic Competition Commission (COFECE), web-portal design and development for COFECE; drafting and editing of the "Series: Rights and Obligations competition for the private sector" program broadcast material Immunity; and the development of public contests targeted to designers and college students.