Green Violet Script Call
Have an idea for a climate-change script and want to run it by some people who care?
The Green Violet Script Pitch booth is a FREE low-stakes lemonade-stand style conversation where ANYONE in the NYU community can come and pitch an idea they have for a climate-change based script for the stage or screen. The conversations are one-on-one, so no one needs to feel intimidated if their idea is not fully formed. The booth is staffed by students and faculty, who will offer guidance on the storytelling itself as well as on how climate representation can be enhanced or strengthened.
Room 805 Kimmel (60 Washington Square South)
Tue April 9 12:30-2:45pm
Fri April 12 10am-3pm
All NYU students and staff (non-faculty) are invited to submit a script of 10-120 pages for the stage or screen that addresses climate change.
The three most compelling scripts each win $300 and a professional script consultation.
Deadline for submissions: May 1, 2024 (11:59 pm ET).
Click here to register for the Green Violet Script Call.