Radical Creatives Film Screening
Join Tisch Creative Research for a Community Week Screening of Emilia Hernesniemi's new film "Radical Creatives."
Date: Thursday, October 24th
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM: Doors Open, Light Refreshments
12:00 - 1:00 PM: Radical Creatives Screening
There is no ready formula for changing the world. “Radical Creatives” recognises the potential of creativity as a force for global change towards a more attractive and nuanced future.
The 1-hour documentary explores the underutilized power of radical creativity. It's a story of overcoming self-doubt by using a collective creative force. The artistically and visually unique film showcases change-makers from diverse backgrounds at a Finnish university who courageously drive towards the new and unknown.
The film weaves a compelling narrative that captivates the world of Finnish oddity at Aalto University and beyond, where tradition meets rebellion. Creativity is courage and action; it belongs to everyone and lives in all of us.
RSVP By October 22, 2024