Gesche Wurfel, Cape Fear River, NC (1), 2021-22, archival pigment print, 8 x 10
FAS Politics Professor Eric Dickson and Tisch DPI Professor Gresche Würfel were selected for the 2023 Climate Change Initiative Awards!
Their collaborative project, Climate Art and Action Incubator, will create a platform for climate change-focused art and will enrich NYU student and cultural life through themed events, artist talks, workshops, and a student art show. The project also aims to influence students' mental health positively.
About the Climate Change Initiative
The NYU Climate Change Initiative promotes innovative and interdisciplinary collaboration that advances our understanding of climate change and practical strategies to mitigate and adapt to its impacts. The Awards are designed to spark collaborations across schools and disciplines and generate new research and innovations.
Four awards fund activities–workshops, discussions, and other events–to promote new, cross-NYU partnerships to tackle important interdisciplinary issues related to climate change.