Jamil Ellis: Technology to Save the Planet
Please join us in-person on Friday, October 22nd from 1 - 2 p.m. EST for a talk by Jamil Ellis.
We are already feeling the effect of the climate emergency now as we see wild fires and floods around the planet. There's a lot of work to do bring us back from irreversibly damaging the planet. I'll talk about some of technology's role in the fight against climate change. Cities and specifically multi-family buildings produce a large percentage of the carbon emissions threatening the planet. At Bright Power we utilize technology to make buildings more energy efficient to bring our world closer to a carbon neutral economy
Jamil is a NY native that lives at the crossroads of technology and creativity. Currently he is fighting climate change as CTO of Bright Power. Jamil is a board member of CultureHub, a center for art and technology that connects communities around the world, and the Manufacturing & Industrial Innovation Council, a Mayoral Industry Partnership that supports the sustainability and growth of New York’s manufacturing and industrial sectors. He spends his spare time creating opportunities to increase diversity in technology and creating content such as Ellis Conversations and The Last Magical Negro Speaks (or Chad's Great Awokening)