Our goal throughout your two years with us is to help you tell your stories with your own artistic voice.
The curriculum is designed in a non-traditional format based on the art of collaboration. Collaboration is a part of everything we do: Our faculty team-teaches the majority of the seminars and labs, and you will collaborate with each other to create new work.
The heart of the program is our writing lab, where you and your collaborator will see and hear what you've written and will experience the rewriting process. While the writing lab focuses on craft – communication between collaborating artists; storytelling in music, lyrics, and book; and meaningful content – it is supported by seminars, tutorials, and master classes.
We are deeply connected to New York City's theatre community, and our curriculum reflects that. We invite artists who are making the most exciting work to come and talk to you about the craft and business of musical theatre.
Tell your stories with your own artistic voice.