Alumni Prashanth Kamalakanthan & Artemis Shaw to Pitch Features to Tribeca

Friday, Jun 10, 2022

Prashanth Kamalakanthan (left) & Artemis Shaw

Prashanth Kamalakanthan (left) & Artemis Shaw

Alumni Prashanth Kamalakanthan and Artemis Shaw will have the chance to pitch their Narrative Features at this year’s Tribeca Creators Market.

The 2022 Tribeca Creators Market serves as a one-of-a-kind, interdisciplinary industry pitch market for select emerging creators within the feature film, short form, episodic, immersive, game, and podcast space to discuss new projects with an array of companies and influential industry leaders.

Here are their projects:

NEW STRAINS, an upcoming sci-fi rom-com currently in post-production: "As a mysterious new variant of an unnamed pandemic emerges, a squabbling couple in lockdown starts acting like children."

I AM BECOME BANANA, a comedy thriller in development: "Karthik is a middle-aged Indian tech worker and suburban dad, desperate for his ambitious startup to succeed, and to get his TikTok-addled son a job. But in this economy, it's harder than Karthik could have ever imagined. He soon enters a dark, tangled web of fraud, cyber-espionage, and pornographic videogames, only to emerge on the other side with a radically transformed understanding of American society and his role within it."

The 2022 Creators Market meetings will take place on Tuesday, June 14th.

Read more at Tribeca.

'New Strains'

'New Strains'