Directed by Melanie Akoka
Type of Project: Drama
Length: 12:00
Producer: Emmanuel Alphonzair
Editor: Melanie Akoka
Cinematographer: Ian Barling
On a farm in the South of France, Lou spends the day shadowing a man and his horse hired by her distant mother to fix a wall on the property destroyed by wild boar. As Lou and the man grow friendlier, she makes a startling discovery about him that makes her question the nature of the seemingly purest relationships.
Mélanie Akoka is a French filmmaker and cinematographer from Middle-Eastern descent. She is currently based in New York. She studied philosophy at the Sorbonne University before working in a post-production house and film processing lab in Paris. Her experience in editing has shaped the transition towards writing and directing. She is currently a 3rd year Graduate Film student at Tisch School of the Arts.