State of the Game
Directed by Robert Daniel Martin
Type of Project: Drama
Length: 25:00
Producer: Robert Daniel Martin & Honey B. Singh
Editor: Timothy Donovan
Cinematographer: Enrique Unzueta
Sound Design: Timothy Obzud
A dark and honest look into the world of high school hockey, through the eyes of a first-year player, who is forced to remain silent or participate in a sadistic ritual, to his team’s warrior code for the sake of victory.
Robert Daniel Martin is an American-born filmmaker who was selected to attend New York University’s acclaimed Tisch Asia campus in Singapore. While attending this unique graduate film school, Robert learned the craft of directing and screenwriting in the vein of auteur-driven/adventure-seeking filmmakers, as the likes of Orson Welles and John Huston. After producing numerous foreign films across Southeast Asia, his narrative short, "The Banaue Boy, shot in the same indigenous mountains of the Philippines as Apocalypse Now, received the most accumulative awards at the 2015 NYU First Run Festival for Best Actor, Screenplay, Producing, Cinematography, and Editing. Robert seeks to launch his career as an emerging filmmaker on his way to directing large-scale prestige pictures and commercial entertainment dramas, with the aim to receive both critical and box office success. He also trains in a variety of psychophysical approaches to acting and is in development to write, direct and star in his first full-length features. Robert's final short-form narrative, State of the Game, is set for festival release in 2020.