Salt & Pepper

Salt & Pepper

Salt & Pepper

Directed by Edward Hunter 

Type of Project: Drama
Length: 12:45
Producers: Trey Rittersbach, Caroline Broughton, Edward Hunter
Editor: Edward Hunter
Cinematographer: Leigh Stiepel
Sound Design: Roman Fusco  

A husband vies to bring some semblance of a relationship back into his and his partner's life.

Edward Hunter
Edward Hunter


Edward Hunter, the creative coordinator at Velocity Entertainment Partners (VEP), is an entertainment and hospitality veteran and recipient of a Producers Grant at New York University. From 2016-2018, he produced over 10 undergraduate theses and graduate films, including a nomination for NewFilmmakers Los Angeles. During his time at NYU, he worked with the Alumni Association and Good Universe while maintaining a full-time job working in hospitality at The Ritz Carlton Hotel and various established restaurants in New York City. He currently serves as the creative coordinator to the four partners at VEP and their clients Finn Wolfhard, Zoe Perry, Violett Beane, Zach Villa and Danny Pudi.