Directed by Noah LePage
Type of Project: Fantasy
Length: 15:00
Producer: Ramsee Chand
Editor: Noah LePage
Cinematographer: Zoë Yi
Sound Design: Evan Schwartz
A young girl travels to the afterlife in search of her mother.
Noah LePage is a young filmmaker from rural Maine currently based in New York City where he is the Head of Creative Development at production company 1stAveMachine. He is a recent graduate of New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts Film and Television program, receiving his Bachelor’s degree with a focus in directing in December 2017. In the past few years Noah has directed award-winning projects in a variety of mediums, from theatre to audio drama to virtual reality, but his favorite mode of expression has always been filmmaking. In his films, Noah strives for a sense of magical realism, introducing surreal elements into intimate worlds in order to better represent the magic of nature, family, and dreams.