Directed by Chloe Wallace
Type of Project: Drama
Length: 11:00
Producer: Molly Gillis
Editors: Paul Chung & Chloe Wallace
Cinematographer: Jack Kendrick
Sound Design: Wave Studios
Deseo follows Selene, a Spanish woman living in New York, on an evening in Williamsburg. Unsatisfied with her own life and intrigued by a woman she meets that night, Selene seizes an opportunity to “help” this woman in need, immersing herself in her reality. The line between helping without asking and taking advantage of her then becomes blurry.
Chloé Wallace is a director and screenwriter. Half American half Spanish, Chloé belongs everywhere. She is signed in Spain and the UK with the production company CANADA and is currently finishing her MFA at NYU Grad Film. She is a Willard TC. Johnson Scholarship Fellow and Maurice Kanbar Scholar.
Chloé has directed vivid TV spots in the USA, UK and Spain, working for brands such as Chanel, Microsoft, Rexona, Vogue, Huawei, Reebok or
"Deseo" is her first narrative short.