Directed by Ryan Beggs
Type of Project: Comedy
Length: 14:50
Producer: Mary Clare Plaschke
Editor: Ryan Beggs
Cinematographer: Linda Wu
Sound Design: Pete Christmann
Claire Thompson lives and breathes success at her top-tier high school until she meets her untimely opponent for student body president, Jamie Beckman—kind, beautiful, and popular—Claire must decide if she will play fair or do whatever is necessary to secure the election.
Ryan has prepared for this project since freshman year. While at Tisch he has assumed various roles with productions as well as gained professional experience at "Late Night with Seth Meyers," "Scott Rudin Productions," and "At Home with Amy Sedaris." Being in the LGBTQ community he loves movies about high school, or, about a time when everything seems like the end of the world when it really isn't—just beginning even. You, actually, can find Ryan (trying to) finish a book, moisturizing daily, and recently getting into this whole "coffee" thing.