Directed by Justin Fargiano
Length: 15:00
Producer: Marley Medina
Editor: Timmy Beckmann
Cinematographer: Eli Kravetz
Sound Designers: Rae King
Synopsis: After an earth-shattering accident, a human thumb must confront his journey towards healing.
Justin Fargiano is an artist, filmmaker, and stop-motion animator. While attending New York University, his third year animation "Happy Little Fly" was awarded First Place at NYU’s 2018 New Visions and Voices Festival. The film went on to screen at various film festivals, including the 2019 National Film Festival for Talented Youth, where it was nominated for Best Animated Student short. He wrote and directed “Thumbtale” for his senior thesis. During quarantine, he completed a short documentary entitled "The Bird In the House." The film follows his mother, a rapid-response nurse, as she dealt with the emotional fallout of being on the front lines during the height of the pandemic. It was one of three films selected to win SHIFT's 2020 Create at Home Film Festival. He has recently produced a stop-motion music video for Philadelphia-based band Miss Cantaloupe for their song “Don’t Go Little Doe.” The film is online and completing its festival circuit.