


Directed by Runzhou (Edwin) Duan

Length: 15:00
Producer: Stephanie Lemesianou
Editor: Zale Zheng/Runzhou(Edwin) Duan
Cinematographer: Audrey S. Lin
Sound Designers: Jairo Daniel Garcia

Synopsis: NIRVANA revolves around a young man's spiritual journey to be enlightened at a remote Zen monastery. As part of the tradition, the young man is assigned to an abusive monk who introduced him to the strict disciplines of Zen Buddhism with rules and punishments. To achieve his goal, the young man has to confront and overcome his deepest fear and desire...  

Runzhou (Edwin) Duan
Runzhou (Edwin) Duan


Runzhou (Edwin) Duan, is a filmmaker, producer, photographer, and writer. Born and raised in China, Edwin received his B. F. A. from NYU Tisch School of the Arts, with minors in History and BEMT (Business of Entertainment, Media and Technology). Edwin is currently pursuing his master degree in Public Policy at The University of Chicago, concentrating on media policy and regulation in China. Edwin regularly practices meditation and Zen Buddhism.