Mah Jongg Queen

Mah Jongg Queen

Mah Jongg Queen

Directed by Joy Wu

Length: 10:00
Producer: Frances Chen
Editor: Joy Wu
Cinematographer: Bob Fu, Simon Li, Cindy Kay, Joy Wu
Sound Designers: Yoli Yang

Synopsis: A Mah Jongg club, founded by Linda Feinstein, has been around for 16 years in the heart of New York City. It not only provides a chance for people to learn and play this traditional Chinese game but also a chance for them to meet new friends who share the same interest and form a bond with each other.

Joy Wu
Joy Wu


Joy Wu is a director and cinematographer based in New York City and Beijing. She is a senior at NYU Tisch School of the Arts majoring in Film & Television and double minoring in Business Studies and Business of Entertainment, Media and Technology. As a filmmaker, Joy aims to tell stories that are deeply connected with people’s everyday lives. Her specific interest in documentaries enables her to observe closely the things and people around her. She’s keen to evoke emotions from the audience through those true and vivid stories.