Gift of the Magi
Directed by Casiano Hamer
Length: 11:36
Producer: Manya Glassman and Victor Pigasse
Editor: Valentina Hueck
Cinematographer: Art Parnitudom
Sound Designers: Valentina Hueck
Synopsis: A mother, Cari, and her son, Maceo, struggle to prepare a meal for the Three King’s Day. As Cari leaves to get more food Maceo answers a forbidden phone call and talks to a stranger who reveals he is the real gift bearer for Three King’s Day. Cari returns to find Maceo upset at her for lying and confused by the truth his estranged father just revealed. Maceo discovers a new meaning for family and the truth behind his favorite holiday.
Casiano Roman Hamer is a writer/director based in Brooklyn, NY. He is currently pursuing an MFA in Film and TV at NYU with a BFA in Film and Creative Writing from Pratt Institute.
Originally from Chicago, IL, raised in Bridgeport, CT and of African-American and Cuban American descent, he is inspired by his background to explore the complexities of finding personal identity through film.
Growing up in a multicultural home the importance of voice was instilled in him. Sharing these cultures was at times empowering and other times divisive. He was exposed to racism, classism, and many of the strifes that condemn many people of color all over the world at a much too early age. Through this experience he always viewed the world critically while staying true to who he is. Disseminating how perspectives can be both different and alike regardless of background and appreciating the complexities of stories that represent the unique qualities of their culture.
This is shown in his narrative films. He has told stories that communicate the complexity of a person’s journey through identity, from a woman leaving her Cuban family to college or an African American teen fighting against systemic racism in the New York public school system. To an Afro-Latino boy navigating a family turmoil through the magic of a Latin American holiday. He was recently commissioned to write and direct an original short film, Berros, as part of Your Attention Please, a streaming program that highlights Black storytellers. The film highlights his cultures coming together as a teen struggles to bond with his Cuban aunt after finding out she is prejudiced against his African-American father.
This is also reflected through the multiple community oriented programs he helped develop at NYU Grad Film. From developing a pitching workshop empowering students of color to prepare their projects for the industry to connecting students with innovative auteurs like Isabel Sandoval and a diversity coordinator and program director.
In larger productions, he has worked as a Set PA on the Fox Television show, Empire assisting industry professionals, managing background, and assisting talent. He has assisted in project development and research for feature films and Broadway productions produced by Scott Rudin. Completed arduous edits for nuanced character stories like the feature documentary 2nd Chance by Ramin Bahrani. Again focusing on the diversity of voice and perspective even at the highest industry level.
Through these avenues of media, he represented companies and himself by maintaining their message and engagement with their audience in a compelling way all through his own motivations as a filmmaker and community organizer. He has aspirations to inspire dialogue and growth in his community through his own films. He is also currently working towards building a platform for filmmakers of color to explore their creative voices and bypass the cultural redtape he faced in the industry.