Family Business
Directed by Roya Alidjani
Length: 13:19
Producer: Tiana Cantu
Editor: Jackie Tullie
Cinematographer: Violet Smith
Sound Designers: Nicole A. Watlington
Synopsis: After a series of peculiar events, a young girl finds out the true reason why her father hasn’t been coming back home.
Roya graduated from Tisch in 2021, majoring in Film and Television and minoring in Producing. Roya has dedicated her time to pursue her passions in directing, producing, and writing by working on numerous short films, music videos, features, and working at production companies. Most recently, Roya has completed her short film, “Make Believe,” which is currently running for several festivals worldwide. In her work, Roya always aims to focus on the more difficult stories in hopes to include underrepresented individuals in front of and behind the screen.