


Directed by Manya Glassman

Length: 10:46
Producer: Victor Pigasse
Editor: Manya Glassman
Cinematographer: Kaitlyn Busbee
Sound Designers: Nigam Bhandari

Synopsis: Lily navigates the blurred lines of consensual sex and self blame while pressured by her boyfriend’s persistent and menacing advances. Her relationship to her own body, human touch, and identity as a dancer get caught in the cross fire.

In my film I want to represent the type of difficult situation that a young woman finds herself, that of resisting sexual advances, but finally submitting, or acquiescing to unwanted sex. And in most of these cases, a variety of emotions ensue, including taking responsibility for the assault itself, self loathing, and transformation of identity. My goal is to shed light on a very common occurrence that exists in the lives of many women, across generations and cultures, but has rarely been presented in films. Ultimately, I hope the film is able to bring out the nuances of this reality in a sensitive manner.

Manya Glassman
Manya Glassman


A director, screenwriter, producer, and editor, Manya Branham Glassman has devoted her life to filmmaking. She believes that the medium of film has the ability to touch individuals and communities, to ultimately transform the world. As a student filmmaker she uses her films as a way to explore life truths, human relationships, and concepts that connect us all. Manya was raised fully immersed in the arts; Her mother an art historian, and father a documentary film maker. She was surrounded by different communities interested in collaborating and exploring exciting projects. At a very young age she learned to pick up a camera and use the resources around her to make films- gathering friends, acting herself, asking restaurants to use their locations, etc. This has continued to be her philosophy with filmmaking- always continue making.

Manya grew up in Providence, where she attended a liberal art school, Providence College, with a minor of French and film, and a humanities major. She chose to go to a liberal arts college to take classes, such as race relations, women studies, ethics, Roman history, etc- she did this so that then Manya could develop ideas for films that were relevant subjects worth exploring. Manya moved to NYC in 2019 to attend the number one graduate film school in the world, New York University. Since being there she has produced over 10 short films for students from all of the world and directed/edited 5 of her own. Manya organized a POD during pre-vaccine COVID where 6 students quarantined together and made 6 short films. She learned to use the limitations imposed by the virus as a source of creativity and collaboration- two essential ingredients for a filmmaker. This is the type of communal film making Manya is passionate about, creating as a collective.

Manya has attended the Oscar qualifying film festival Rhode Island International Film Festival multiple times, along with the Carnegie Melon festival, and has been accepted to several others. She is currently applying to festivals for her most recent film, Acquiescence, a 10 minute short, tackling a tricky subject that sheds light on a common occurrence of the blurred lines of consent, which exists in the lives of many women, across generations and cultures, but has rarely been presented in films. Manya will always aspire to use the camera lens to create change, capture diversity of humanity, and a glimpse of what binds us together.