Directed By Jake Hirsch
Type of Project: Drama
Length: 15:00 minutes
Producer(s): Melissa Garcia
Editor: Rhiannon Teeter
Cinematographer: Omar Nasr
The true story of Richard Nixon's bid for student body president in his junior year of high school.
Jake Hirsch – Undergraduate
Jake Hirsch is a writer-director from the Northern Virginia area. With a minor in political science, the young filmmaker has a penchant for stories surrounding politics. He has been mainly influenced in his writing by the screenwriters John Hughes and Aaron Sorkin. His work has mostly involved young actors, with his Intermediate Narrative film, The Grand March, telling the story of a boy on the night of his junior cotillion negotiating his way to stand in line with the girl of his dreams. Hirsch hopes to continue making films with aspirations of completing a feature film in the next few years. His Jewish mother is very proud of him.