Film Still from New Year
Directed By Jiawei Cheng
Type of Project: Drama
Length: 20:00 minutes
Producer(s): Chiying Lau; Jiayu Zuo; Yiyi Han
Editor: Jiawei Cheng
Cinematographer: Shu Zhu
New Year tells a Chinese immigration's struggle life after his brother betrays him and makes him be in huge debt.
Jiawei Cheng – Undergraduate
Jiawei Cheng is a young filmmaker from China. She just graduated from NYU film undergraduate program. She grows up in China and get educated in US. Her experience gives her individual understanding of storytelling about how to combine eastern and western aesthetics. There is no doubt that Tarkovsky and Alejandro Gonzaez Irritu had the strongest influence on me both aesthetically and in terms of story. In my films, I am trying to combine "subjective" and "objective", "fact" and "feelings"; the "harmony of feelings and thoughts".