


Directed by Hillia Aho

Type of Project: Drama
Length: 8:30
Producer: Joanie Thompson
Editor: Hillia Aho
Cinematographer: Gianna Badiali
Sound Designers: Lou Jullien, Thibault Noirot, Philémon Schaffhauser, Jakub Trš

A hermit living in the woods of Maine must leave her home in search of a new place to stay, driven away by a logging operation destroying the forest nearby.

Hillia Aho
Hillia Aho


Hillia Aho is an artist and filmmaker, originally from Midcoast Maine, and currently splitting her time between Brooklyn, NY and Vancouver, Canada. She received her BA in Media Arts, with minors in Environmental Policy and Studio Art, from Occidental College, and was awarded distinction for her thesis film, Almira. Hillia is passionate about painting and photography, social and environmental justice, and cows. She is currently pursuing her MFA in film at NYU, and working on finishing up her first thesis script.