The Confirmation
Directed by Juan Pablo Daranas Molina
Type of Project: Drama
Length: 12:00
Producer: Juan Pablo Daranas Molina, Alejandro Medina
Editor: Juan Pablo Daranas Molina
Cinematographer: Sam Motamedi
Sound Designer: Irina Carballosa
A biologist opposes her daughter's attempt to cure her disease through a spiritual healing.
Juan Pablo (Juampa) Daranas Molina is a Cuban filmmaker who runs FILA20, a film collective based in New York City. FILA20's work has been screened at hundreds of festivals, including Sundance, Warsaw, Glasgow, New Orleans, Miami, Borscht, Rooftop Films, etc.; and on platforms like Amazon Video, Booooooom.TV, Comcast Xfinity, Short of the Week, and ShortsTV.
Happenstance and curiosity have brought Juampa to many other different experiences too: amateur astronomy, operating large artillery during his mandatory military service, being part of Cuba’s National Teams of Maths and Physics, teaching film history, making music, emigrating, coding, playing baseball for his neighborhood’s team, being a servant to his two dogs, etc.
Juampa is currently a third-year student at the New York University’s Graduate Film Program.