Never Look Back
Directed by Ryan Grippi
Type of Project: LGBT
Length: 15:00
Screenwriters: Ryan Grippi and Brian Blum
Producers: Shelley Philips and Jose Reyes
Editor: Ryan Grippi
Cinematographer: Dan Debrey
Cupid's bi-sexual son loves sex but hates love and enjoys filling his life with continuous one night stands. This works well for until he meets Scott who he connects with after a hook-up gone wrong. Could Scott be the love of his life? He must travel to underworld and back to find out.
Ryan Grippi is proud filmmaker from Long Island, New York and a 2015 alumni of UGFTV. He has since gone on to produce his first feature documentary, Humans of Pride, which is about the events surrounding the 50th anniversary of the stonewall riots. He is also finishing his masters degree at Tisch's Interactive Telecommunications Program. There he studies emerging technologies in storytelling such as virtual reality, mixed reality, and new filmmaking techniques using virtual production. He strives to continue directing/producing LGBTQ content with a fantasy twist.