Morning Light
Directed by Lucas Manuel-Scheibe
Type of Project: Slice of Life
Length: 4:16
Screenwriters: Lucas Manuel-Scheibe, Luc Yokoi, Andy Sanda
Producer: Lucas Manuel-Scheibe
Editor: Luc Yokoi
Cinematographer: Lucas Manuel-Scheibe
Sound Designer: Andy Sanda
A boy is made curious by a mysterious letter along with the father's unknown whereabouts; the boy and his mother come to terms with his absence.
Luc Yokoi is a first-generation Asian-American whose parents migrated from Saigon, Vietnam (mother) and Nagoya, Japan (father). He was an avid baseball player up until his junior year of high school when his interests shifted towards the Cinematic Arts and Photography. Along with Visual Art, Luc is passionate about Literature and Classical Music, and he hopes to travel and cook more in the future. His works are often about family, particularly that of family members in their transient states of loss and hope.