In Passing
Directed by Martin Blanco
Type of Project: Slice of Life
Length: 7:51
Producer: Kara Bartek
Editor: Martin Blanco
Cinematographer: Jesse Bronstein
Sound Designer: Matthew Ericson
After years apart, two Venezuelan-American sisters confront their demons and say goodbye, one last time.
Martin Blanco is a Venezuelan director, cinematographer, and photographer fascinated by themes of identity, memory, and context, as well as how these ideas intersect and collide to define the present self.
His narrative and documentary video work has been showcased by film festivals in the U.S. and abroad, as well as recognized by organizations like The Student Academy Awards (2020 Alternative Semi-Finalist: Oh Yeah, dir. Lilena Marinou) and The Upper-Midwest Emmys (2018 Science & Environment Nominee: PBS - Climate Legacy). Martin's photography has been featured and published by Lomography, Fujifilm, and Kodak, as well as photography journals like Uncertain Magazine and Float Magazine.
Martin is the Art Director of Good Company in Tribeca and a co-founder of CAMP, a Twin Cities-based artist studio. He divides his time between New York City and Minneapolis.