Before I let Go

Before I Let Go

Before I Let Go

Directed by DaeQuan Collier

Type of Project: Comedy
Length: 15:00
Producers: Meline Rosales, Demetrius Beckham
Editor: Kale Radcliff
Cinematographer: Jenny Chan
Sound Design: Iris Liu

After a tough breakup, Andre, an awkward 20-something, recounts his relationship with his first love for closure.

DaeQuan Collier
DaeQuan Collier


DaeQuan Collier is a filmmaker, born and raised in Bronx, New York. As an artist of color, DaeQuan believes that his identity is an indisputable part of his artistry that cannot be avoided in his work, and he strives to create work that properly illustrates their humanity. Growing up in the Bronx allowed him to come across people and communities that often go untold. He believes that their stories are complex, beautiful, and important, and he works to tell them.