In October several of Tisch Drama’s professional training studios will mount debut productions and projects in the Paulson Center’s new Iris Cantor Theater.
First up – On October 10th and 17th, Stonestreet Studios Conservatory for Screen Acting and Productions will present a series of new student films from its student residency program.
The Stella Adler Studio of Acting will present Twelfth Night or What you Will on October 19th. The performance will launch the studio’s Arts Justice Division, a unique program that supports a company of Drama students as they tour metro-area schools, community centers, rehabilitation facilities, and other performance venues — large and small.
“The opportunity to rehearse and perform in the Iris Cantor Theater has given students experience in working on a larger stage and how to fill it, without changing the show we are creating as a whole,” said production director Kern McFadden. “The opportunity to work on these adjustments in real-time space, while in rehearsal, and to present them in performance is an amazing opportunity for students.”
Similar opportunities to perform in the Iris Cantor have been made available across the department. On October 2nd, Drama's Theatre Studies faculty and students will present staged readings of selected plays by Gertrude Stein. On October 6, the Adler Studio will present rehearsal projects fom Homer's "The Odyssey."
All of Tisch Drama’s ten training studios have been studying or presenting work in the Iris Cantor Theater, offering students a professional-grade space to practice and perform learned skills—maximizing the benefits of the new theater across the Drama Community.