In Spring 2024, TISCH DRAMA STAGE presented the musical RENT as our inaugural production in the new Iris Cantor Theatre. These "Behind The Scenes" interviews are a series of conversations held with the lead production team, giving insight into the processes behind the show. Watch below.
Production & Design Team on the mainstage of the Iris Cantor Theater
In this series of interviews, we caught up with the student designers and stage manager for Rent. Chatting with Jade Chew (Set Design), Maia Kahn (Costume Design), Max Van (Sound Design) and Fatmatta Kuyateh (Stage Management), the group reflected on their processes working on Rent and their time studying at Tisch.
When asked how her design process changes when the actors were cast for their roles in Rent, Maia said,
"I always look forward to when people are cast. As enjoyable as it is to consider the original concepts, where you're just hashing it out with the director, and you're creating your mood boards, and you're doing character research, it only becomes four-dimensional when you know who's playing that role. I love getting to see actors' headshots and personalities and styles because then it feels like we're creating the character together."
Toward the end of our conversation, Max reflected on his time studying in Tisch Drama's Producion & Design Studio and whether there were any lessons that he would carry with him into the future. He mentioned a moment shared with the lighting design mentor, Jeanette Yew, who said, "Every process is the same until it isn't." Max learned that each project starts with independent research, but what differentiates one project from the next is the people you collaborate with. Becoming a clear communicator and collaborator is a keystone of development in the P&D Studio.
Each of the conversations with Jade, Maia, Max and Fatmatta, speak to this capacious attitude toward collaboration and supporting each other as a community when creating Rent.