18 Roses cast and crew
Over the course of seven months in her senior year at NYU, Danielle Coronado created, produced, and directed a proof-of-concept short film for a musical TV anthology series titled “18 Roses” as a part of her final thesis project. This 6-minute short tells the story of Janelle, who celebrates her 18th birthday (debut) while mourning the loss of her father. Together with a team of over 50 artists and partners from NYU, NYC, and all over the continent of North America, Danielle created this project in hopes of intentionally bringing on collaborators who could bring meaning to the process.
The film was recently chosen as an official selection for the 46th Asian American International Film Festival’s "Ones to Watch: Filmmakers Under 21". Come celebrate and support the team of artists at the Quad Cinema in the West Village and the Museum of Moving Image in Astoria running July 26th through August 6th!