2020 MIAP Thesis Week
**In accordance with NYU guidelines and measures regarding the status of the COVID-19 virus, all presentations will be hosted via Zoom.**
Students in the Moving Image Archiving and Preservation (MIAP) program will present their M.A. thesis projects, covering a wide range of topics such as hip hop's metadata, sports archives, and the broader landscape of digital preservation. See below for a complete schedule and presentation descriptions.
Registration for this event has been closed. If you have already registered, links to join each individual Zoom meeting will be sent from tisch.preservation@nyu.edu. Please check your spam folders if you haven't received an invitation including these links at least one hour prior to the session. If you have any problems, please email tisch.preservation@nyu.edu.
Tuesday, March 24
9:30 AM - 10:30 AM EST
Madeline Smith - Care of the Moving Image in the Art Museum: Matters in Media Art and the Stewardship of Time-Based Media Artworks
The introduction, exhibition, and acquisition of time-based media art has been a disruptive force in fine art museums, requiring museums to reevaluate and redefine the roles, responsibilities, and knowledge of those who interact, both physically and intellectually, with artwork in these cultural institutions. During the beginning of this period of re-examination, Matters in Media Art took root to define these practices. My thesis will be an examination of the implementation or non-implementation by museum employees of the guidelines, documentation, and procedures presented on the Matters in Media Art website, in order to determine the current state of time-based media art stewardship and to provide possible suggestions for the future preservation and care of time-based media works of art.
10:45 AM - 11:45 AM EST
Claire Fox - Not Normalized: Born Digital Camera-Original Formats in the Archives
This thesis will examine born-digital camera original formats, both as self-contained items and within the broader landscape of digital preservation. By positioning these complex, production-oriented formats within an archival context, this thesis will raise questions about the decisions archivists make when designing digital preservation workflows.
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM EST
Syreeta Gates - The Gates Preserve Archive x Preserving Hip-Hop's Metadata
The Gates Preserve Archive is an organization that supports the documentation, digitization, and exhibition of hip hop culture, with a primary commitment to provide access to the public. TGPA focuses on hip hop culture from the 1990s and beyond.
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM EST
Lan Linh Nguyen Hoai - The Archive Performance: Creating the Digital Archive for Performance Space New York
With the commission of numerous artists from diverse genres, backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives, Performance Space New York is honoring interdisciplinary works between dance, theater, poetry, ritual, film, technology, and music since 1980. Considered as the birthplace for contemporary performance, it holds a legacy of audiovisual documentation marking performance art in New York's Downtown area. This thesis presentation will show a preservation plan in its current state for born-digital audiovisual materials from Performance Space New York's collection.
Wednesday, March 25
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM EST
Soojin Park - The Never-Ending Digital Dilemma
This thesis explores the archiving and preservation of movies by looking at different storages and file formats in depth, while also comparing the preservation efforts made by larger institutions such as studios and smaller archives/independent filmmakers.
Friday, March 27
2:30 PM -3:30 PM EST
Brianna Jones - Hell Hath No Fury Like a Black Woman in Rage: Tracing the Stereotype of the “Angry Black Woman” in Media
Historically throughout mainstream media, Black women have been portrayed through the following tropes: slave, mammy/maid, hypersexualized, or angry/sassy. This form of representation, or rather, blatant misrepresentation, has resulted in trauma imposed on Black women through the cinematic gaze. Part research paper, part curated screening, my MIAP thesis will hone in on the "angry Black woman” trope to analyze how this particular trope has become a cinematic theme, and caricature archetype spanning multiple genres, media formats, and decades. In the end, maybe we'll find that Black women may have more than a few reasons to be angry.
3:45 PM - 4:45 PM EST
Matthew Hoffman - Inside Voices: Preserving the Video Works of Maxi Cohen (1982-1994)
Discussing the process and challenges of preserving eight video works by New York City-based artist Maxi Cohen.
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM EST
Christine Genetti - The Making of A Sports Documentary: ESPN Corporate Archive and Issues of Access
This thesis explores how access to archival sports footage is managed by powerful corporate rightsholders, and how that mediated access impacts the creation of sports documentaries. This is facilitated by an examination of the ESPN/ABC Sports Footage Archive, one of the most comprehensive collections of sports recordings in the United States (and perhaps in the world).
6:15 PM - 7:15 PM EST
Mary Jackson - Documenting the History of an African American Community: Building a Digital Archive
This thesis project will trace the creation and current development of an interactive digital archive for a once predominately African American neighborhood. The digital archive will utilize community archives and other unique sources of information to trace the history of this neighborhood.