Displacement: Cinema Studies Graduate Student Conference 2016
The recent passing of Chantal Akerman dealt an irrecoverable blow to the history of cinema. For nearly the past half-century, she continually produced provocative work that meditated on concepts of home, belonging, and identity, while consistently investigating these via contemporary formats and technologies. Her latest and final film, No Home Movie (2015), found Akerman probing these issues anew; reconciling distances through the use of Skype, developing her self-understanding through conversations with her mother, amongst others.
The 2016 Department of Cinema Studies Graduate Student Conference at Tisch School of the Arts, New York University, is designed to celebrate Akerman’s memory and will focus on one of her most consistent and deeply examined themes: displacement.
Displacement will take place on 4 and 5 March 2016 and feature keynote speaker Giuliana Bruno (Harvard University), closing remarks from Sandy Flitterman-Lewis (Rutgers University) and a screening of Akerman’s 2006 film Là-bas.
This event is free and open to the public.
For the full program and additional information, please visit the conference website and Facebook page.