Navigating the Academic Job Market for Non-Citizens
Navigating the Academic Job Market for Non-Citizens
A discussion about entering the American academy as a foreign individual
Organized by Dr. Marina Hassapopoulou, Visiting Assistant Professor and Linnéa Hussein, Doctoral Candidate in Cinema Studies.
The trajectory of entering the job market differs immensely for international students. Visa restrictions require international students to think differently from their American peers and can significantly limit their opportunities during and after grad school.
With the help of an experienced immigration lawyer we will discuss when and how to disclose non-citizenship while on the job market, the difference between a J1, an H1B, and the O visa, as well as considering the financial burden of being bound to a single institution while in grad school and beyond (and suggestions for alleviating the burden).
We invite the international community at NYU Cinema Studies to learn more about the restrictions they will be facing once they are on the job market. While the evening might not bring solutions to all problems, it might help to prepare for visa alternatives.
Additionally, we invite faculty and administrative staff to this opportunity to learn more about a severe, perpetually unresolved situation that about half of the current PhD students will have to face once they leave NYU.