Pleasure Principles: Bad Asians, Bottomhood, and the Belated Archive
Curated by Leeroy Kang, A/P/A Institute Visiting Scholar
As a historical, temporal, and aesthetic exploration into queer experimental Asian/Pacific cinema, this event will gather four scholars, curators, and artists whose work addresses the subjects of racialized sexual politics, gender transgression, and the possibilities of pleasure within the queer Asian/Pacific imagination. Eve Oishi (Claremont Graduate University), Nguyen Tan Hoang (University of California, San Diego), and Erica Cho (University of California, San Diego) will screen and discuss moving image works spanning the past several decades to create new modes of speculation within a lineage of artistic practice and political inquiry. Moderated by Gayatri Gopinath (NYU Department of Social & Cultural Analysis).
Cosponsored by the Asian Film and Media Initiative in the NYU Department of Cinema Studies, NYU Asian/Pacific/American Institute, NYU Center for the Study of Gender & Sexuality, NYU Fales Library and Special Collections, Tisch Initiative for Creative Research, NYU Department of Art and Public Policy, and MIX NYC Queer Experimental Film Festival.