Day of Community: International Exchange


An event dedicated to international initiatives led by Cinema Studies graduate students. Students will give presentations and answer questions about their involvement in student-led missions including the MIAP Audiovisual Preservation Exchange (APEX), Encrucijadas: Dialogues for Latin American Cinema, and NYU global exchange fellowships.  International exchange will be discussed in diverse geographical and cultural contexts, including: Latin America (Montevideo, Buenos Aires, and more), Paris, London and Berlin.


-Coffee and light refreshments

-Introduction by Marina Hassapopoulou
-Audiovisual Preservation Exchange (APEX) - Jonathan Farbowitz, Caroline Gil, and Julio Cabrio

-Encrucijadas/Encruzilhadas: Dialogues for Latin American Cinemas - Amalia Cordova

-NYU Global Research Initiative, London - Sylvie Vitaglione

-Paris-NYU Exchange - Leonard Cortana and Emile Bertherat

This event is free and open to the public.

Part of the Tisch School of the Arts 50th Anniversary Celebration.
For a full list of events taking place, visit the Tisch 50th website.