Robyn Brentano '94 (MA, Performance Studies) and Andrew Horn '75 (Kanbar Institute, Film & TV)
Robyn Brentano '94 (MA, Performance Studies) and Andrew Horn’s '75 (Kanbar Institute, Film & TV) film, Cloud Dance, will be featured in Making Knowing: Craft in Art, 1950–2019 at the Whitney Museum of American Art, on view through January 2021
Brentano and Horn collaborated with choreographer Andy de Groat and sculptor Lenore Tawney to make the experimental dance film, Cloud Dance in 1980. Music by Michael Galasso, poetry by Christopher Knowles, reading by Arby Ovanessian. The film was recently featured in a major retrospective of Tawney’s work at the John M Kohler Arts Center in Wisconsin and is on continuous view adjacent to Tawney’s sculpture at the Whitney Museum.
Brentano and Horn also made Space City with choreographer Kenneth King (1981) and Passages of Time (1981) with choreographer Carter Frank. Their films are in the collection of the Lincoln Center Library of Performing Arts and the Cinematheque Francais.
Andrew Horn died in August 2019. A retrospective of his films was recently held at Spectacle Theater in Brooklyn. He directed the documentary The Nomi Song (2004) and We Are Twisted F–king Sister! (2014) and was an Emmy-winning film researcher for projects for BBC, ZDF, Arte, Channel 4, PBS, HBO, the Paul Robeson Foundation, Michael Moore and Spike Lee. At the time of his death, he was working on a film about Robert Wilson and his theater company Byrd Hoffman School of Byrds.