My Partner's Partner
Directed by Chris Del Rio Solorzano
Length: 10:06
Producer: Terrence Shu
Editor: Carlos Cagin
Cinematographer: Nada Bedair
Sound Designer:
Louis DeFelice
Two metamours meet on their mutual partner’s birthday, but as drinks flow, miscommunications unravel in awkward confrontations.
Graduate Film
Christian Del Rio Solorzano is a Mexican filmmaker who grew up between Mexico and the US. After graduating with degrees in Art and Psychology from Washington University in St. Louis, Chris moved to Los Angeles and worked in the Film and TV industry as an assistant editor, production and post coordinator, as well as camera assistant, before moving to New York City. Chris is now enrolled as an MFA student at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts, where she is producing short form narrative projects as a writer and director, as well as developing her skills as a Director of Photography.