Juana Suárez
Juana Suárez, Associate Arts Professor and Director of the Moving Image Archiving and Preservation (MIAP) program, was awarded funding for her project “Rethinking International Collaborations: A Panel for Prospective APEX Partnerships.” This project will serve to expand collaborations within NYU MIAP’s Audiovisual Preservation Exchange (APEX) by facilitating a dialogue with European, Canadian, and US projects that have expressed interest in learning more from MIAP’s model for preservation of audiovisual collections.
Malik Gaines
Malik Gaines, Associate Arts Professor and Director of Undergraduate Studies, was awarded funding for his work with Performance Studies’ 5th Annual Curatorial Symposium. The funding will support this year’s symposium, which brings NYU faculty and students together with scholars and leading arts professionals to present and discuss each other’s research on curatorial practice and performance for the contemporary moment.
Preparing for Abrupt Climate Change by Peter Terezakis
Peter Terezakis, Associate Arts Professor in Collaborative Arts, has been awarded funding for his project “Preparing for Abrupt Climate Change: Discussions.” Peter will host a series of conversations between experts centered around the unprecedented disruptions faced by humanity due to our rapidly changing climate.