João Victor Toledo
João Victor Toledo is a performer from São Paulo, Brazil. After quitting Law School, he graduated in Acting, and then moved to Germany, where he received a Bachelor’s degree in Theater Studies, with a minor in History and Portuguese-Brazilian Studies, from the Free University of Berlin. Over the years, João has cooperated with different theater and dance companies such as Constanza Macras|DorkyPark, ZU-UK, Bryckenbrant and Teatro do Osso, and has performed at the Vienna Festival, the Ruhrfestspiele Recklinghausen, the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, and the São Paulo International Theater Festival (MITsp – Plataforma Brasil). João became a meditation practitioner in the last few years, and is currently interested in researching silence as standstill, emptiness, absence, presence and experience, as well as the renewable possibilities it provides us to engage ethically and aesthetically with our lives in society.
Title of Project
The Silence of the Caterpillar
Description of Project
In a metamorphic existence that encompasses egg, larva, chrysalis, and butterfly, a caterpillar is an invitation to recycle the senses and imagine other forms of existence. Its body, a filter driven by infinite possibilities, builds and reconstructs fearlessly new environments. All that exists are processes, the present moment, and silence.
Areas of Academic Interest
Dramaturgy; Improvisation; Antiwork Politics; Silence